What is your reason for your Polyamory? There may be many reasons for your “WHY”…. and also you don’t even need a reason! As long as there is consent, transparency, compassion, trust and agreements between you and your Lover(s)… your polyamory is valid and your reasons for it are your personal choice.
Poly could be...
• Your orientation ~ it’s just who you are • You choose it as your lifestyle • It’s a choice of social rebellion in a mononormative society • It’s something you ebb & flow out of (from mono to poly) • A fundamental belief you hold • It just feels right • It’s an act of freedom • You believe you shouldn’t have to control your attraction to others (or your Lover(s)
One beautiful aspect that I appreciate about polyamory is that your reasons can evolve, shape and shift over time. And checking in with yourself on your reasons can lead to a deeper sense of Self knowing and motivation in your relationships. Also, checking in with your Lover(s) and Metamours on their reasons can be a way to build emotional intimacy, connection and strength in your relationships. What are your reasons for your Polyamory? This tender illustration by Rory Midhani
Many loves to you all,
Fox M., Therapist (AMFT)