The Ancestors do not play. Energy, spirituality, religion, a higher power, God/Goddess, Jesus, Allah, Life Force, the one you call ‘all-that-is-and-ever-will-be’, the one that is you and within you and surrounds you and pours love into you. The Beloved. Yeah that ONE (still you)… wants you to know that you get to write the script for this sacred precious life. You get to fuck shit up. You have that authority.
I know many of us have been harmed, diminished, shamed, left behind, left alone, made to feel small, made to feel wrong, made to feel “too much”, made to feel excluded. That hurts… and still… WE RISE. We remember who we are slowly, every day, little by little.
We write affirmations, set reminders on our phones, leave post-it notes around, join a group, get a therapist… whatever it takes… and retrain our precious tender strong flexible brains to remember we are loved and worthy. We can rewrite this script, we can heal our wounds. We have this authority over our lives, even if we have been harmed and have forgotten who we are… we can remember. We will remember.
My question to you beloveds is what will you do differently to make a difference in your life? Will you reach out for support, be more selective in who you allow into your life, will you open your heart up just a little bit more and let us in, will you try on vulnerability, will you practice self-compassion and remember why you are lovable?
There are infinite ways you can make small changes in your life regardless of what anyone else is doing, and those small changes will expand you. And there you are. Expanding right before our eyes! Wow. You’re gorgeous. But you know this.
The Ancestors want you to know you have permission to ‘fuck shit up’. Enjoy beloveds. I cannot wait to see where you take us with your light & power.
I think I’m in love again…
Fox M., Therapist (AMFT)