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Inclusive & Affirming Therapy for

Individuals and Intimate Relationships

  • Writer's pictureFox Eros

It's a Prioritize Your Self New Year

New year, New me. Nah. Let’s release that pressure and instead manifest that pleasure. What will you do that feels good, delicious, sensual, restful yummy and kind for your Self. HOW WILL YOU PRIORITIZE YOUR SELF this year, this week, today? This relationship you have with your Self is the most important one you will have throughout this life journey. Birth… to evolution… to passing.

As I do this work as a Therapist, (what I refer to as a ‘scared energy exchange’ where I am allowed into another’s inner world), I land on the thought over and over again — we have the power to intentionally decide on what we allow into our world. (*Deep breath / pause as I vibrate with this epiphany). I literally can see how the choices we make that are in alignment with the tiny pleasurable things  that fill us and that we can control — add up and impact our entire being: health, sensual, relational, emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual. It impacts YOU.

As a child this is not the case because we aren’t developed to operate as an adult would. However, as an adult we CAN begin to directly select who and what will enter into our space. Movies, social media, friends, places, conversations, Lovers, and so on.

I understand I cannot control everything that enters my life, (insert another deep sigh here because I do wish I could) but I am standing on business when I tell you that I do have the considerable ability to heal my life by stuffing it full with that which is magnificent for my being. I have this authority over my life. I am oozing in it, it’s filling me up, this is MY power. And I may not always step into it graciously with knowing, sometimes I may trip and fall into anxiety — and ahhhhhhh… aren’t those my moments where glimmers of self-compassion can seep in? AND — when I do walk into the room like I WAS MEANT TO WALK INTO THIS ROOM— you will know. And so will I.

I have found my fire. Can you feel your own? Can you show it to us? We need to see it. And if you have yet to taste it, I promise you, it is in you. Go slow, fuel the coals with pleasure, watch it burn slow and then grow into a full hot blue as fuck flame. You are divine angel.

All my love to your new year and your finally acknowledged fire.

* This gorgeous art is by Larry Silver @silverarts_91 Wow! Fox M., Therapist (AMFT)

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