On your healing journey, you may find you do not recognize your Self. You are in between times, stages, chapters, endings and beginnings. I call this the “in-between times” where you’re not quite sure where you’re headed but you KNOW it’s time for a change.
When you begin healing it can feel invigorating and energizing but as you dig up the layers that have been hidden, sometimes it can feel deeply sad, frustrating, lonely, full of rage, confusing and you may grieve for the loss you feel.
Can you just be with your Self as you move into this unknown stage of your evolution? And as you face the layers that you’ve been avoiding, or were forgotten or numbed? Can you observe the feelings and offer them curiosity and compassion. And yes… always with the curiosity and compassion. They are my favorite ways of being tender with our Selves and I find that we respond best to this approach.
Being human is complex and although we want to feel in control, secure and safe… sometimes we don’t and in those times we need to find our steady place that embraces us unconditionally. And that steady place is you. YOU have that in you already. You are love. You are loved. And your healing may take time.
(honoring this unknown artist)
Fox M., Therapist (AMFT)